Femoral artery pseudoaneurysms are commonly iatrogenic due to increasing use of the artery for arterial interventions. Other reasons of pseudoaneurysm formation are intravenous drug use and penetrating trauma. Here, we have discussed the management strategy of a femoral artery pseuodoaneursym and the modalities for preventing the misdiagnoses of the pseudoaneurysm in the emergency department.
A 50-year-old male patient was referred to our emergency department (ED) with claudication and severe local swelling. Ten days earlier, he had been referred to another ED immediately after a gunshot injury to the left inguinal zone. Duplex ultrasound and CT angiography of the left lower extremity revealed a 4 cm sac of pseudoaneurysm on the distal part of posterofemoral branch of deep femoral artery and a 9*10 cm haematoma on the posteromedial part of pseudoaneurysm. The patient underwent open repair surgery due to co-existing large haematoma and risk of infection. The patient was discharged after three days hospitalization.
Pain, extremity oedema, pulsatile mass, femoral bruit, palpable thrill, and compressive neuropathy should alert the physician to possible femoral artery pseudoaneurysm. Duplex ultrasound and CT angiography are important diagnostic steps to reveal a possible life-threatening vascular injury.