Extravasation injuries are undesired serious complications of intravenous therapy. The age, state of consciousness, and venous circulation of the patient affect the risk of extravasation injury. Newborns are at high risk of these injuries because of immature skin and vessel. Intravenous calcium treatment is the most common cause of extravasation injury in neonatal intensive care units. Localized tissue calcification, necrosis, cellulitis, osteomyelitis and Compartment syndrome may occur due to iatrogenic extravasation of calcium. Here, we reported two cases that developed calcinosis cutis following intravenous administration of calcium glucanate to draw attention to the fact that the minor, initially subclinical, extravasation of calcium-containing solutions can produce lesions of calcinosis cutis and although the families are worried about the appearance of complication, the injury heals spontaneously without the need of agressive treatment with no serious long-term sequelae.