Aim: Our goal was to determine the effects of a diosmine-hesperidine combination on wound healing in a rat model of colonic anastomosis.
Materials and methods: In this study, 20 Wistar Albino female rats were randomized into four experimental groups containing five rats in each group. A segment of 1 cm of colon was excised 4 cm proximally to the peritoneal reflection in all rats without carrying out any mechanical or antibacterial bowel preparation. Colonic anastomosis was performed with interrupted, inverting sutures of 6/0 polypropylene. Beginning from the first postoperative day, the rats in Groups II and IV received 100 mg/kg per day of diosmine-hesperidine via orogastic route by 4F fine feeding catheter.
Results: A significant difference was detected between groups in terms of their hydroxyproline levels (p<0.05); the hydroxyproline level of Group I was significantly lower than that of the other groups while no significant difference was noted between Groups II and III.
Conclusion: The administration of diosmine-hesperidine increased the amount of collagen and bursting pressures at the anastomotic site and thus had favorable influences on the healing of colonic anastomosis (Tab. 1, Fig. 3, Ref. 33). Full Text in PDF www.elis.sk.