Bu çalışma 2013-2015 yılları arasında, Adıyaman sınırları içerisinde
yetişen bazı taksonların etnobotanik özelliklerini tespit etmek amacıyla
yapılmıştır. Adıyaman Türkiye‟nin Grid sistemine göre B7, C6 ve C7 karelerine
girmektedir. Yapılan çalışmada yöre insanlarıyla bire bir görüşmeler yapılmış,
yöre insanlarına anketler uygulanmış, yörede bulunan bilirkişilerden ve
aktarlardan faydalanılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda Adıyaman sınırları
içerisinde 64 familyaya ait 223 taksonun etnobotanik açıdan değer ve önem
taşıdığı tespit edilmiĢtir. Araştırma sonucunda etnobotanik değer ve önem taşıyan
bitkilerden 118‟si tıbbi (45‟i sadece tıbbi), 117‟si gıda (41‟i sadece gıda), 29‟u ev
ve kullanım eşyası, 26‟sı süs bitkisi, 24‟ü hayvan yemi, 18‟i yakacak, 15‟i mutfak
araç ve gereçleri, 11‟i yapı malzemesi, 9‟u endüstri, 7‟si kerestecilik, 6‟sı
oyuncak, 3‟ü kozmetik, 2‟si inanç, 2‟si tütsü, 1‟i halk oyunları, 7‟sinin diğer
amaçlarla kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. 10 taksonun ise literatürde herhangi bir
kullanımına rastlanmamış olup ilk defa bu çalışmada belirtilmişlerdir.
This study was carried out between the years of 2013 and 2015 to
determine the ethnobotanical properties of some of the taxa grown in Adıyaman.
According to Grid system of Turkey, Adıyaman enters into the squares B7, C6
and C7. During this study, one to one interviews were conducted with some of the
local people, surveys have been used on some of the other local people, and the
expertise of the local herbalists/users in the region were obtained and included in
the results section. The results of the study showed that 223 taxa from 64 different
families grown in Adıyaman were identified by terms of value and importance of
ethnobotany. We determined and classified the ethnobotanical value and
importance of the 223 taxa as follows: 118 of these medicinal plants (45 of these
were used only as medicinal plants), 117 of these were consumed as foods (41 of
these were consumed only as foods), 29 of these were used in homes as
appliances and tools, 26 of these were utilized as ornamental plants, 24 of these
were used as animal feed, 18 of these were used as firewood, 15 of these were
utilized as kitchen tools and supplies, 11 of these were used as construction
materials, 9 of these were used in industry, 7 of these were utilized as timber, 6 of
these were used as toys, 3 of these were utilized as cosmetics, 2 of these were
used for religious purposes, 2 of these were used for incense, one of these was
used in folk dances and 7 of these were used for the other purposes. There are 10
taxa of the 223 taxa that are not in the literature yet and their ethnobotanical uses
determined by this study for the first time.