Adıyaman Üniversitesi Kurumsal Arşivi

Konu "(commutative) (is an element of, is an element of)-neutrosophic ideal" için listeleme

Konu "(commutative) (is an element of, is an element of)-neutrosophic ideal" için listeleme

Sırala: Sıra: Sonuçlar:

  • Jun, , Young Bae; Smarandache, Florentin; Öztürk, Mehmet Ali (UNIV NEW MEXICO, GALLUP CAMPUS, 2018)
    The notions of a commutative (is an element of, is an element of)-neutrosophic ideal and a commutative falling neutrosophic ideal are introduced, and several properties are investigated. Characterizations of a commutative ...